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The 27th Aluminum Door, Window and Curtain Wall Exhibition came to an end on March 13 at Guangzhou Poly Exhibition Center. During the three-day exhibition, Guangzhou Zhupon presented a series of important exhibits and solutions, demonstrating the innovation of Guangzhou zupon in technology research and development. With high-quality products and perfect services, Guangzhou zupon joins hands with strategic partners to build green building development

In this door, window and curtain wall exhibition, Guangzhou zupon launched a new product --- D158 toilet ventilation integrated window. The D158 bathroom exhaust integrated window maximizes the ventilation function of the window, realizes the ventilation demand when it is inconvenient to open the window, realizes 24-hour uninterrupted ventilation, high static pressure exhaust performance, and forms negative pressure in the toilet polluted area. Cooperating with Zhubang's window ventilators in other rooms, it can realize fresh air in the home without ducts, which is the best choice for customers.

This product is uniquely innovative and won the "AT World Architectural Design and Technology Polaris Award"

Throughout the exhibition, a technical team was equipped to demonstrate and introduce the products on site, fully displaying the latest practical achievements of Guangzhou Zhubang and its innovative exploration in the field of doors, windows and curtain walls, helping the audience to understand the product structure and working principle on site.

                                                          Looking forward to the future, we will continue to gallop

2021 is destined to be a critical year for the door, window and curtain wall industry. The state has issued frequent policies in the field of doors, windows and curtain walls, constantly guiding the development direction of the industry. Door and window enterprises are also actively adjusting the direction of development strategy, trying to adapt to the new needs and trends of the market. In this context, Guangzhou Zhubang is actively thinking about change and innovation, constantly integrating internal and external resources, realizing the transformation from manufacturing advantages to creating advantages, fully combining valuable patents and standards, so that both product quality and service quality can be achieved. Take it to a whole new level. 

Finally, I sincerely thank the customers for their recognition and trust in Guangzhou zupon and all the staff of Guangzhou zupon for their hard work. Let us meet at the Shanghai Door, Window and Curtain Wall Exhibition in November 2021!

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Door and window curtain wall ventilation expert, focusing on ventilation for 20 years, ventilator standard formulation, providing systematic ventilation solutions for buildings

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 Zupon AP Development

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